Berry nice

We’re so excited for spring and all of the delicious fruits it brings. One of our favourite things about this time of year is growing berries. Today, we’ve created a ‘Berry Wall’ - a whole planter dedicated to growing goji berries, logan berries, raspberries and blackberries.

Berries are a great addition to any garden because they produce an abundance of sweet fruit throughout the summer months, as well as providing beautiful foliage and flowers that attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Not only do these plants add beauty to an outdoor space, but they also provide fresh fruit that can be enjoyed by everyone in the community, bringing us altogether.

At Manor Park Community Garden we have several varieties available for planting including raspberries, blackberries, goji, logan, and we’re hoping that last year’s strawberries also return. Each type has its own unique flavor profile which makes them perfect for adding into jams or pies - yum! Plus growing berries doesn't require much effort on your part; just some occasional pruning during the season will keep them producing lots of tasty treats all summer long.

To get started growing berries this spring simply choose a sunny spot in your garden where there's plenty of soil drainage (or use one from our community beds) then plant away! Be sure to water regularly while keeping an eye out for pests such as birds who may try nibbling on those juicy fruits before you can pick them yourself – netting is always helpful here too if needed (we have some available). With proper care you'll soon be enjoying sweet berry goodness right off the bush - what could be better?

Our berry wall has just been planted, so come and join us at Manor Park Community Garden this spring to watch them grow – let’s get together outdoors while taking advantage nature’s bounty by harvesting homegrown organic produce like never before…it's going to be fun!!


Wood you believe it


Progress update